Jennifer Reid
Jennifer Reid 4 Track, 8” Limited Lathe Cut
There is so much say about Jennifer.
Mezmerizing as a live performer, encapsulated perhaps, in this short paragraph,
"Folk music has lost its way, and people have lost track of their geographical heritage.
The working classes made music as a provocation and this is a tradition Jennifer continues. She is a performer of nineteenth century Lancashire dialect and Victorian broadside ballads."
We are "Choughed" that SP0047 is a 4 track 8" Lathe Cut, Edition of 57 hand numbered.

Poems and songs from both Lancashire and Yorkshire presented in the vernacular.
Cut on White Vinyl by Phil at 3.45 rpm
The cover, beautifully printed in Oldham by Graham at Incline Press on his antique Letter Press this release is artisan in every way.
It's been a labour of love and such a joy to be able to work on this release with artists who cherish our past and future in all it's forms.
We don't think that these songs have existed in the folk cannon until this release so it really is a piece of living history.
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Australia £ 27.00 inc Postage
PLEASE INCLUDE ADDRESS WHEN ORDERING even if ordered before. We don't keep addresses as such.